Worship in English at St Jacobs

Contact Us:

International ecumenical congregation of ICS .

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Postal address:

The International Church of Stockholm

P.O. Box 2122

S-103 13, Stockholm,


Banking Details:

Plusgiro Account: 918916-8

IBAN number:SE 11 9500 0099 6034 0918 9168 SWIFT BIC: NDEASESS

The International Church of Stockholm (ICS)

Worship in English at St Jacobs Church services

are postponed due to church renovations.

**Refresh this page to get the latest - Click on Special Events for more event details

*Allow for last minute changes!

Chair of The International Church of Stockholm: Gun Kemperyd Olson

Contact Email below to the International Church of Stockholm.

Special EventsICS_Sunday_Special_Event_Schedule.html


ICS :St Jacobs Services in English

is postponed due to church renovations.

Follow the Radio sendings on a local Swedish Radio Haninge Direkt, 98.5MHz.Listen at 3pm Wednesdays, local time or online:

RadioHaninge.se ,Radio.se or on TuneIn 

“There are so many ways it can be said.

           Eternity became one with time

               The almighty took humility upon himself

                    The preexistent went through kenosis

                          The spiritual became existential

                                The abstract became concrete

                                     Light came into our darkness

                                          The invisible became visible

                                                Goodness took evil upon itself

                                                     The subjective became objective….or was

                                                          It the other way around?”

Fortunately  God is no theologian. What is written is:

And this shall be the sign for you: You will find a newborn child wrapped in swaddling cloths

laying in a manger.


                    Our Christmas wish is that you will find the child !!!                      

                                           Gun and David

Regular music from musicians Erik Dobert on the clarinet

**Click here for the Online Sermon